logical assignment statement 意味

  • logical assignment statement


        assignment statement:    《コ》代入文
        logical if statement:    logical IF statement 論理IF文[電情]
        logical statement:    筋道{すじみち}の通った発言{はつげん}
        statement label assignment statement:    文番号代入文{ぶん ばんごう だいにゅう ぶん}
        logical unit assignment:    logical unit assignment 論理装置割当て[電情]
        arithmetic assignment statement:    演算割当てステートメント◆【略】AAS
        array assignment statement:    行列文{ぎょうれつ ぶん}
        character assignment statement:    文字代入文{もじ だいにゅう ぶん}
        assignment:     assignment n. 割り当て; 任務, 任命; 《米》 宿題; 帰因. 【動詞+】 accept an assignment 与えられた任務を受け入れる She carried out her assignment meticulously. 細心の注意を払って任務を遂行した I have to complete this assignment b
        on assignment for:    ~の仕事{しごと}で
        logical:     logical adj. 論理的な. 【副詞】 His conclusion was entirely logical. 彼の出した結論は完全に理にかなっていた Her argument was impeccably logical. 彼女の議論は完璧に論理的だった thoroughly logical どこまでも論理的な His answe
        logical not:    logical NOT 論理否定[電情]
        logical or:    logical OR 論理和[電情]
        not logical:    《be ~》筋が通らない
        for statement:    繰返し文


  1. "logical architecture" 意味
  2. "logical argument" 意味
  3. "logical argument should not be colored by emotion" 意味
  4. "logical argument structure" 意味
  5. "logical aspiration" 意味
  6. "logical association" 意味
  7. "logical atomism" 意味
  8. "logical axiom" 意味
  9. "logical behaviorism" 意味
  10. "logical argument structure" 意味
  11. "logical aspiration" 意味
  12. "logical association" 意味
  13. "logical atomism" 意味

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